MARCH 24/21 - Based on another (new?) bald eagle nest tip from Dianne & Gordon Thorpe, I drove to the Wallbrook bridge and Gaspereau River.  From the bridge I looked downstream to the east, and it wasn’t difficult to find the nest close to the river in deciduous trees with an adult eagle sitting on the nest.  It looked to be below the Stirling farmhouse and cemetery tower.

Then I drove to the Stirling house and just beyond it and looked again.  The nest is not very conspicuous from there, but it is northeast from the house and just to the left of a prominent white birch trunk. 

At Grand Pre I saw a small flock of 6+ common grackles with a red-winged blackbird.

At home in Wolfville there is a very vocal male? northern flicker advertising himself and his turf?

Cheers from Jim in Wolfville, and thanks to the Thorpes!