It's interesting to hear of when the warblers get around throughout the province. 

I heard a first yellow-rump last Wednesday, April 21st behind MTRI (actually at the local firing range).  There were just one or two there, and they had not been present on the prior day.  It is always a delight to hear them return.  I have not heard any yet in my woodlot in Tupperville.

After several years of not hearing Ruby-crowned kinglets at the firing range location (they were always present there in earlier years from ~2009-2014), the species was once again singing in an adjacent spruce wetland.  Just like old times!  If I fool myself just a bit, I can think things have returned to 'normal'.  The locations was full of palm warblers, and a few Hermit thrushes.

Oh yes, and I managed to pass my firearms re-qualifications again- in between these observations.  Lots of destractions, with wood frogs still cackling occasionally in the lowlands next to the range.  They can affect a final score.  I am blaming them.

Donna Crossland

On 2021-04-29 2:16 p.m., James Hirtle wrote:
On April 28 yellow-rumped warblers showed up in numbers in this neck of the woods.  Lots started to call on territory.  Up until now they had been absent when I was out birding. I even had one at the suet yesterday. 

James R. Hirtle

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