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What you can learn from Elon Musk and Naveen Jain...

Hello, My name is Kingsley, I got to read/meet innovators like Elon Musk, Anousheh Ansari (the first female private astronaut), Naveen Jain (the man who is mining the moon), and others who are changing the course of human history.

And I noticed something really curious about these brilliant thinkers.

They had a foot grounded in reality. 

Lessons You Might Learn Too Late In Life  

1. How you spend your time is how you spend your life. Worry is a waste of time; it’s a misuse of your imagination. Much of life is wasted on worry, regret, and pain. Focus on things you can control.

2. Discovering your own reasons for living (what the Japanese call ikigai) can bring you fulfillment, happiness, and make you live longer. 

3. If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything.

4. The best investment you can make is in yourself. Your ambition, goal, or even ideas means nothing without execution. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

Do what you should. Don’t talk about what you should be doing. The bigger the why, the greater the impact and the stronger the drive.

6. Don’t think about why you question, simply don’t stop questioning.

7. Pay yourself first: save 10% of what you earn. And make those savings into your investment slave. You can read "The richest man in Babylon" to better understand this approach to wealth creation.

8. Take responsibility for your life or someone will choose your destiny.

9. Create your own definition of success.

10. You can’t control everything — but you can control how you respond

11. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s dream. Pursue your true north.

12. Books can change your life. Never underestimate the valuable lessons you can learn from the experiences of others.

13. There are no universal or golden rules. Learn to make your own rules to pursue your personal trajectory

14. Take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your life. This mindset can help you stop making excuses.

15. Your life is right now. Life is a series of right nows. Learn to love your life right now, and you’ll have an amazing life.

16. Nothing turns out exactly how we want it. Life is long. Reality is chaos. Keep moving in the face of obstacles.

17. You’re already ready. Action is the effect and cause of motivation. Stop waiting for a perfect day to take action.

18. The sum of the little things matter much more than the big things — cherish every little moment in life. Every little experience in life counts. Don’t let the bigger picture steer you away from the small enjoyments of life.

19. The best way to live a worthwhile life is simple: continuously grow as an individual and aim to be consistently useful.

20. Don't just take note of these lessons, take note of your next little actions to execute.

Vishen Lakhiani

When you understand this concept, you will likely find that your goals and your dreams no longer have a lid of them.

When you are invited to a gathering where ideas are being brainstormed on, do not keep mute. Learn how to speak up in meetings now

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